My first impressions of Rani Care were that of a kind, forward thinking concept where providing individualised care is forefront in their mind. I was under a great deal of stress before I came into contact with them. I’d been trying to hold a job, whilst also struggling with chronic pain, for which I was awaiting neuro-surgery in France.
I was also trying to care for my elderly mother who has a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s, and I was constantly worrying about getting home in time to cook her a meal, when all I wanted to do was go home and lie down, due to my medical condition.
I had surgery in January this year and still had no help with my mum apart from a much appreciated sitting service for eight hours a week. I wanted the same person for my mum as I feel it’s really important that she gets to know someone, even though she may forget in-between sometimes.I was really lucky as I was given the details of Rani Care via the Leeds City Council website. The founder of the company came to see me and I was immediately struck by her passion for what she believed in, and also by what a great concept she had in wanting to provide a service for Asian elders whose needs aren’t able to be fully met due to language barriers.
Rani Care do indeed provide a great service and despite my mum being `White British’ this was not a problem at all! Rani Care have taken away my worry about cooking each evening (I have two children at home and am a single parent) by cooking meals that my mum really enjoys, as well as them being nutritionally balanced.
I was very tired after my surgery, and it’s been a very long and painful recovery, but having Rani Care there to support my mum and therefore myself, has made such a difference to both mine and my children’s life, as it means I can be at home more and therefore my stress levels have reduced hugely.My mum has got used to having support now and I know she genuinely likes her care worker. She is treated as an individual and encouraged to stay independent in the areas of her life that she has some control over.
I was a nurse for over 20 years and so have seen a lot in my career and I know how important it is to have trust in someone when a person’s memory is impacted, it’s so important for them to be treated with kindness and respect. I’m pleased to say this is the case with Rani Care.